Being based in Melbourne, this is a time my gastronomic urges reach fever pitch. But it's also a time for foodies and food-related businesses to showcase their expertise and talk about what's new in food, coffee or tea, food venues, and cooking. This even extends to topical foodie health trends... 'camel milk anyone?'
Growing in popularity each year among us Antipodeans, this landmark event originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain where "people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts"*. It falls at the end of the month and offers up a chance to get in the news if you're an authority on religious or ancient rituals, kids' activities and party planning, kids' health and the impact of bingeing on sugary treats, recipes involving pumpkins, and perhaps exploring why we so enjoy the rush of a good fright.
While this event is nearly upon us, there's still time to highlight your expertise on changes or new insights into training techniques and dietary requirements for endurance events, new fitness trends, health benefits (or otherwise) of long-distance running, and any age-related considerations of running (ie. how old is too young or too old?).
I've already seen a lot of stories about self-examination and how to recognise changes for early detection (which is fantastic!), but I think this is also an opportunity to share those inspirational stories of survivors and for experts to discuss the psychosomatic impacts both on the patient undergoing treatment AND those who love that person, along with tips on how to manage the period of treatment and the signs to look out for if the patient or loved ones aren't coping (and where to get support). (Thanks for the date reminder Layla Roberts.)
(Thanks for the 'heads up' Andrea Doyle.) Commencing in 2005, this national day came about to promote the awareness of conciliation, mediation and other more peaceful ways to manage conflict. A perfect publicity-raising opportunity for anyone whose role involves managing and resolving disputes of any kind, including family, matrimonial or workplace. Experts who can also talk about the financial and emotional toll of an 'unresolved' dispute, now's your time to shine.
(Thanks for the tip Anna Grundy.) This milestone event, marked by a recreation of the historical moment in 1916, when the animals of Taronga Zoo marched from Moore Park to Mosman, signifies Taronga's commitment to preserving 10 critical species for the future. While Sydney-centric, local experts on wildlife conservation and even environmental impacts on animal habitats could definitely take this opportunity to showcase their expertise.
Started by The Project’s Waleed Aly in response to a secret recording of Donald Trump’s boasting of sexually predatory behaviour and assault, this gives legal and health professionals, along with victim support groups a chance to highlight behaviour that's not acceptable (and illegal), and what to do if you're a victim of sexual assualt or subjected to other unacceptable behaviour (like bullying or discrimination). It's also an opportunity for PR professionals to strut their stuff by sharing insights on how to manage a chain of media crises - as Trump's PR machine has undoubtedly done - along with some media do's and don'ts.
These examples merely scratch the surface of what's coming up in the way of local events or what's topical in the world of news. If none of them resonate with you, perhaps use these suggestions to stir your creative juices in other areas. That, or you'll just have to wait for next month's instalment. Until then...