Unlocking The Power Of Digital PR As The Ultimate SEO Booster

06 July 2023 Guest Contributor

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, digital PR has emerged as a powerful tactic that can propel your website's organic growth to new heights. If you're looking for a way to stand out from the competition and skyrocket your online presence, digital PR is the key. In this comprehensive analysis, we mine 10 top-ranked posts that explore the topic and unveil their top takeaways.

So, buckle up and prepare to discover why digital PR is an indispensable tool in supercharging your website's organic growth.

1. A Guide to Digital PR and Why It's Important for SEO and Link Building 

Source: (www.semrush.com)

"If you're not using digital PR as part of your link building strategy, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to gain a competitive advantage."

Our top takeaway:

Digital PR is all about using PR tactics to earn backlinks

"Digital PR is all about using PR tactics to earn backlinks to support your SEO strategy. 

You need to create linkable assets (sometimes known as link bait) and promote these to relevant journalists and publications to encourage them to write about your content and link to it."

2. Digital PR Strategies That Can Improve Your SEO 

Source: (www.forbes.com)

"Every serious SEO strategy discusses building high-value backlinks. While many digital marketers rely on strategies such as guest blogging, Google's link tagging requirements can affect how valuable those strategies are to building SEO and trust through backlinks. This is where digital PR can provide a distinct advantage in strengthening your SEO."

Our top takeaway:

Reach out to journalists and offer expert insights and thought leadership

"You are an expert in your industry. Sit down and make a list of the things you have expert knowledge and skill in. Consider the most asked questions in your industry and hot topics that come up. Then reach out to journalists and offer your insights into these things."

3. The Benefits of Creating an SEO and PR Strategy Today 

Source: (rockcontent.com)

"Digital PR benefits SEO by providing opportunities for valuable backlinks and mentions across different mediums and channels. It spreads awareness of your company, brand, management, products, services, and anything else important to your business."

Our top takeaway:

Digital PR strives to establish a trustworthy brand reputation for you online 

"With successful PR campaigns, the garnished trust and authority obtained passes to your website. In turn, Google recognizes these since it prefers to provide searchers with high-authority, trustworthy websites in SERPs."

4. Digital PR: The Beginner's Guide to Making Your Brand Unmissable 

Source: (ahrefs.com)

"Although digital PR is not an SEO tactic, it does complement our efforts as SEOs by improving the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) of the brand and those behind it, as well as creating high-quality, super-authority backlinks."

Our top takeaway:

A digital journalist always reveals their source 

"Unlike the days of traditional print media, a digital journalist never always reveals their source. That means mentioning your brand and often quoting the key experts at the forefront of your business."

5. 7 Digital PR and Earned Media Strategies that Give Your SEO a Boost 

Source: (hingemarketing.com)

"The pandemic struck. Shutdown orders were issued. We all had to work from home. 

And just like that, all firms conducted their business online. Now you need to make it easy for remote buyers to find you. Our research has shown, again and again, that implementing search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to draw website visitors and build an audience. Yet it’s also the least understood, most underutilized, and most abused of all digital marketing techniques."

Our top takeaway:

Earned media is the aim and newsjacking is an efficient way to get it

"There are four steps to newsjacking.

First, set up an alert for breaking news related to your area of expertise. If you’re an expert in infection control, you’ll want to set up an alert for infection control. Alerts will serve two purposes: notify you when news on your topic hits the headlines, and help you track which journalists are writing about it."

6. The Power of Digital PR in SEO 

Source: (www.linkgraph.com)

"While PR and SEO can be effective when used separately, they can be even more effective when used together. In order to maximize the effect of PR and SEO, it is important to understand the relationship between the two."

Our top takeaway:

Using the right keywords, create high-quality content

"When it comes to SEO, choosing the right keywords is key. You need to target keywords that are relevant to your business and that have a high search volume.

"One of the most important aspects of online PR and SEO is creating high-quality content. This content must be relevant to your target audience and must provide value to them."

7. 3 ways digital PR and SEO work together 

Source: (www.agilitypr.com)

"When a PR professional puts a PR strategy together, they focus on content and methods that will help the brand speak to its target audience. Currently, the work of SEOs and digital PR professionals overlaps considerably. A PR professional who understands SEO can incorporate the relevant data into their PR strategy, and achieve great results when it comes to organic searches."

Our top takeaway:

PRs can incorporate reclaiming links as an effective strategy

"To gain link equity, PR professionals can incorporate reclaiming links as an effective strategy.

"When a blog or news site mentions the brand without a link, the PR professional can reach out to them and ask them to link back to the brand’s landing page. Usually, this is accomplished by dedicated tools that keep track of any brand mentions."

8. Why Combining PR and SEO Will Propel Your Business 

Source: (www.entrepreneur.com)

"Integrating the results of keyword research with PR pitches to journalists, social media posts and other content all supports SEO rankings.

"Organic media coverage has become one of those alternative measures to help determine a website's ranking. That is why integrating PR and SEO is critical when it comes to increasing your brand's online visibility."

Our top takeaway:

The story's strength, relevance and newsworthiness remain the most important criteria

"Consider optimizing your brand's PR campaign content for the keywords the business wants to rank for. Remember, search engine algorithms have become very adept at identifying keyword stuffing and unnatural-sounding content. However, well-crafted press releases and other materials can easily contain important keywords without sounding artificial.

Remember that the strength of the story, its relevance, and newsworthiness remain the most important criteria for a media outlet. But none of those requirements prevent PR professionals from writing with SEO in mind. As publications pick up on a brand's story, PR can increase the number, quality, and variety of backlinks generated for the brand."

9. Digital PR: What is it and How Can it Improve SEO? 

Source: (www.semetrical.com)

"As the digital world takes centre stage, digital PR now plays an instrumental role. In essence, digital PR is a service and marketing strategy that refers to the creation and promotion of content that will be outreached to relevant online publications, in hopes of gaining high-quality backlinks to your site’s domains."

Our top takeaway:

3 common methods used in the digital PR space to gain backlinks: Story-driven campaigns, Content campaigns & Newsjacking

"Digital PR is an essential aspect of SEO because it helps build links and authority to your website. Backlinks to your website are essentially “popularity votes”, and the more votes you get, the more popular you are with Google. Subsequently, a link from one website to another represents a vote of confidence. 

In Digital PR, specialists create linkable assets, such as a listicle story or a data-led campaign, and promote them to relevant journalists and publications to try and get them to write about your content and link to it."

10. How Digital PR Helps With SEO & Why It's So Important 

Source: (www.hallaminternet.com)

"Traditional PR's main focus is about enhancing an individual's or brand's exposure through targeting the press with stories they may find interesting. Measurement relies on coverage, potential readership and sentiment.

"Whilst both forms of PR are ultimately about building brand awareness, digital PR also focuses on building trust and authority with both Google and potential customers."

Our top takeaway:

Integrating all 3 types of digital PR concurrently can produce incredible results

"Digital PR goes beyond just link building and brand awareness, but also increases traffic and sales, gets social shares and positions brands as experts.

"There are three main types of digital PR: foundational, newsjacking and campaign-led. Each has a different function, but when they work concurrently they produce incredible results." 

In short

Summing up, in today's competitive online landscape, digital PR has become a crucial strategy to enhance your website's visibility, credibility, and organic growth. By leveraging the power of good research to create compelling content and timely media outreach, you can effectively position your website as an authority in your industry and attract high-quality backlinks that boost your search engine rankings.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your online presence to new heights with digital PR. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your website soar above the competition. 

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