Step-By-Step Guide To Create A Publicity Plan

20 April 2023 Sourcey team member

Having a publicity plan in place is vital to building awareness about your product or services. But the *real* purpose of the PR plan is to better facilitate communications between your target audience and your business in an effort to help you improve your customer base and drive profitability. 

If you wish to reap these rewards, here are the steps to follow to create a publicity plan that delivers.

Identify your objective

"Once you know your campaign objective, you can move to the next step."

First and foremost, you need to identify your campaign objectives. Are you looking to attract your audience to your new product/service? Do you wish to generate leads and improve your business sales? Do you want to build brand awareness among your targeted audience? Once you know your campaign objective, you can move to the next step.

Know your target audience

"...create a publicity plan after identifying your targeted audience."

When it comes to marketing your business, everything revolves around your customers. Thus, you need to create a publicity plan AFTER identifying your targeted audience. You need to know who you want to communicate with and what the key message is. The interests of your targeted market are vital to creating a successful plan. What's more, you need to get an idea of how you will attract your audience. With these things in mind, you can hedge against your competitors. Plus, it will help you to generate effective results in the end.

Focus on SMART goals

"SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based."

Now, you need to focus on the SMART goals that are measurable and attainable. Be sure you keep your SMART goals quantitative rather than qualitative. This will help you to improve marketing as well as the overall business. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based. Be sure you keep your plan within your budget constraints to create a successful plan.

Create your publicity plan schedule

"To make your plan successful, you need to create a well-planned schedule."

To make your plan successful, you need to create a well-planned schedule. Every part of your plan should align with your brand and business. You should choose the right media channel to spread your word to the audience. Once you've got the right channel, your next step is to create a detailed schedule. It should include future follow-up actions along with the communication channel. This way, you can improve your sales effort with the help of a publicity plan.

Create your publicity budget

"Having a budget will help you know where you need to spend your money."

Before you launch a campaign, it's vital to have an initial budget beforehand. Having a budget will help you know where you need to spend your money. It gives you an idea of what you can afford to make a campaign hit the target.

Measure your plan progress

"Tracking ROI...will allow you to make the most out of your investment."

Finally, but most importantly, you need to measure your plan progress. You can use different tools to track the progress of your PR plan. Reviewing the results will help you modify the plans to generate quality results. Tracking ROI and campaign results will allow you to make the most out of your investment.

In summary

A publicity plan is one of the best ways to help your customers know your brand story. With a perfect PR plan, you can improve your organisation's bottom line. Plus, it will help you stay ahead of the curve without any advertising expenses.

The above simple steps will help you to get started with creating a publicity plan. If you wish to thrive in your business, SourceBottle can help you out. We can help you raise your brand awareness among your targeted audience. Our experts will help you understand how you can use social media to improve growth. Get in touch with us today!