Even the most brilliant idea, if described poorly, is doomed to failure. But how do you draw attention to your pitch and make people understand how cool it is? And why do most writers crash and burn in the process? Are there universal tips to help you become a sought-after author? Well, yes, there are.
Creative people in a literary rush fully express themselves in the material but forget to look at it through the eyes of an outside reader. Sometimes it's just a matter of one or two sentences that flesh out an idea and give it practical meaning.
It is essential not only to talk about something exciting but also to analyse the ways of seeing the situation and methods of solving it.
Serious authors will not write only reflections on their own behalf but will apply the experience of famous and successful people, analysts, researchers, etc.
"Serious authors will... apply the experience of famous and successful people, analysts, researchers, etc."
If the author focuses only on pleasing the editor, this is a big mistake. When writing any article, you should first think about how it will benefit the consumer/reader.
Think, who will be interested in it and how will it help solve his problem?
"Think, who will be interested in it and how will it help solve his problem?"
The best argument that can convince an editor that you are a successful author is the presence of a portfolio.
Be sure to attach samples of previous successful posts to heighen the possibility that the editor will be interested in you, if not immediately, then later.
When submitting material to a person you do not know personally, make sure to learn about them from open sources.
That way you will have an opportunity to understand what topics they prefer, how other authors respond to the collaboration, etc.
When sending the material for the first time, it doesn't hurt to demonstrate your own knowledge and vision so that the editor understands you are well-versed in a certain field and can make a thorough analysis of events.
If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can definitely contact the writers at EssayTigers and others. This will help make a good impression and increase your chances of a positive response.
In order for the letter not to get lost among thousands of others in the editor's inbox, make sure it's properly formatted. It should not only be an attachment, but also an intriguing cover letter of several paragraphs.
Try to contact the profile editor, for example, if it is a topic of clothing, then try the style editor. Don't be afraid to suggest a meeting in person. Such a meeting increases the chances that your material will be considered and taken into account.
"Don't be afraid to suggest a meeting in person."
Become a member of specialised organisations where you can get access to the necessary information - courses, e-books, training, and podcasts. You may even be able to build some referral partnerships with other writers/contributors to get future work. This way, over time you're more likely to increase not only your own knowledge, but also your income.
And don't forget it is human nature to want to learn and hone your craft all the time. Therefore, self-education is very important for an author who wants to be in demand.
"And don't forget it is human nature to want to learn and hone your craft all the time."
It is creativity that helps to find an exclusive line and develop it in such a way that not only the editor is impressed, but also later the readers. But what exactly will help you stand out among other authors in the eyes of the editor? Some suggestions might be:
Creative appeal. Don't be afraid to be interesting. Creative people appreciate and distinguish such pitches. In addition, lively communication on your part makes it clear that you are not a robot, and that the letter is not spam.
Visual content. Using images and infographics in the letter will help the editor better understand your ideas. It also creates an attractive effect of the message itself (and breaks up all the content).
Conciseness. Is it possible to fit the entire pitch in one line? If 'yes', consider yourself having already won the battle, since most editors DON'T READ LONG PITCHES, even if they're on a super hot topic!
Constructive criticism. Feel free to offer up constructive comments on what you think should be applied to their blog, publication, etc. And even better - make a list of topics that are lacking and your vision of how they can be developed.
Touchpoints. If you've learned a little about the editor, you can apply that knowledge to your letter. For example, a link to common interests is likely to pique their interest (and show that you know about what they're interested in) and compel them to read on.
So prepare interesting presentations and learn how to convince editors that your work has the right to be published!
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