03 May 2019 Bec Derrington

At any one time I can view the active call outs on SourceBottle using the keyword 'health' and retrieve upward of 20 posts. That's 20 publicity opportunities for health care professionals, like you. But we know it can be a little daunting when it comes to how best to respond to each of these call outs, so we've created a response formula that you can use to inspire a quick and powerful response.

As respected journalist and author Valerie Khoo puts it: "The key to success with services such as SourceBottle... is ensuring that you provide the information the journalists ask for." 

So, if a journalist posts the following call out: 

"Looking for a health care professional who can comment on the impact stress is placing on our digestive systems."

A reponse like the following is likely to be a waste of time (for you AND the journalist):

"I'm a doctor and can provide comment on this."

Sure, it's better than not responding at all. But unless there are only a handful of responses submitted for this post, you're unlikely to have much luck. Sorry!

Instead, why not try a little something like this:

"I'm a medical practitioner based in Melbourne. I have strong views on the impact that stress has on our digestive systems based on my six years' experience dealing with patients with stomach conditions. If you would like specific comment on the effects cortisol has on stomach bacteria, I can also expand on that. I'm happy to talk any time this week. My direct number is..."

You can see this is not a lengthy response, but what it clearly showcases is why YOU are the best expert for comment. 

Breaking it down into a formula, let's look at it again and identify each element of the response (and why it works).

"I'm a medical practitioner based in Melbourne." [Displays your CREDENTIALS and QUALIFIES you to respond.] 

"I have strong views..."[Good talent HAS AN OPINION!]

"...on the impact that stress has on our digestive systems based on my six years' experience dealing with patients with stomach conditions." [Displays your DIRECTLY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE.]

If you would like specific comment on how cortisol impacts stomach bacteria, I can also expand on that. [Displays the DEPTH of your relevant experience.]

I'm happy to talk any time this week. My direct number is..." [Highlights your AVAILABILITY for a quick response.]

So when crafting your next response, make sure you use this formula and: 

  1. Respond FAST! (Within the first 30 mins, if possible.)
  2. Keep it brief - showcase WHY YOU'RE THE BEST EXPERT for the piece.
  3. Express your STRONG opinion.

Inspired by journalist and author Valerie Khoo in her FABULOUS book 'Power Stories'. A must read!


(If you're a parenting expert and want to know how to craft the perfect response, check out the Parenting Expert Response Forumula here.)