17 April 2019 Bec Derrington

Most of you know, I break up publicity into two types of opportunities: 'Reactive' and 'Proactive'

Those opportunities that seek you out are  reactive, and our SourceBottle media opportunities can help you take care of that. :)

But navigating the minefield of opportunities that you can hitch your wagon to is at BEST challenging, and at WORST overwhelming to the point where you simply don't act at all.

We want to help.

From now on, each month we're offering up two downloadable calendars with many of the latest events and national days to help identify opportunities that you can newsjack to your advantage.

Don't know what we mean by 'newsjack', read all about it here.

To make a start, simply DOWNLOAD the April & May 2019 monthly calendars

Happy pitching!

PS: Are you receiving free publicity opportunities, straight into your inbox? No?!! (Wha?) Let's fix that... right here!